Introduction to the `term' v4.6 distribution ============================================ Since so many things went wrong with the `term' v3.4 distribution I decided to change the distribution scheme in v4.0. The same scheme has been applied to v4.6 since it worked rather well with v4.0 through v4.5 and I did not want to rewrite all the script files which were used to put the v4.0 and v4.1 distributions together. There are now nine distribution archives whose contents are listed below. For the most important files PGP signatures are provided to let you verify their integrities. You do not need to download all the nine archives in order to get a working `term' v4.6 setup. Just download the files you need, explained below is what the archives contain. term-main.lha (671909 Bytes) --------------------------- This archive contains all you need to run `term' on your Amiga. Only the basic set of libraries and documentation files are included. If you wish to use other external transfer transfer protocol libraries than xprzmodem.library or need to use special external terminal emulation libraries you should download the term-libs.lha archive. More documentation files can be found in the term-doc.lha archive. term-030.lha (670552 Bytes) --------------------------- This archive contains all you need to run `term' on an Amiga equipped with an MC68020/030/040/060 CPU. Only the basic set of libraries and documentation files are included. If you wish to use other external transfer transfer protocol libraries than xprzmodem.library or need to use special external terminal emulation libraries you should download the term-libs.lha archive. More documentation files can be found in the term-doc.lha archive. term-doc.lha (231119 Bytes) --------------------------- This archive contains the main program documentation in AmigaGuide format for browsing with MultiView and the like and additional documentation files for the file transfer and terminal emulation libraries. term-libs.lha (130305 Bytes) ---------------------------- This archive contains special support libraries which enhance the functionality of `term'. These are terminal emulation libraries and file transfer protocol libraries. It definitely is a good idea to download this archive if you don't have these libraries around already. term-extras.lha (247439 Bytes) ------------------------------ This archive contains extra material that is not absolutely necessary to run `term' v4.6, but may still either be fun to have around or adds extra functionality. Included are revision 6 of the Hydracom Amiga port which can be used with `term' (note: Hydracom is a bidirectional file transfer protocol similar to bimodem), sample ARexx scripts, character translation tables and sound files. term-locale.lha (265137 Bytes) ------------------------------ This archive contains the user interface text, translated into Danish, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Spanish and Swedish and a blank catalog translation table file to fill in. Download this file only if you want `term' to use Danish, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Spanish or Swedish user interface text (Workbench 2.1 or Workbench 3.x required) or wish to translate the user interface text into your preferred language. term-source.lha (916653 Bytes) ------------------------------ This archive contains the source code to the entire `term' project, including the new user interface support library. This is by far the largest archive in the distribution, so think carefully if you really need to download it. term-dvi.lha (255567 Bytes) --------------------------- This archive contains the main program documentation in TeX DVI format, suitable for printing on a TeX setup. Download this archive only if you wish to create a printed manual. Installation ============ `term' v4.6 is very easily installed; just unpack all the archive files into the same directory. Ignore any messages about files getting overwritten since some files are found in more than one archive. When unpacked you will have the complete distribution sitting on your hard disk drive just as it looks like in my original distribution tree. You do not need to copy the libraries, fonts or catalog files to the corresponding system directories, `term' will find the files contained therein all on its own. Archive listings ================ Below is the output produced by the LhA program when told to list the contents of all the distribution archives. As experience shows, the archive contents may grow since more or less sensible .displayme files will get added. The core of the archives should stay intact, however. Don't trust distribution archives of which some contents are missing. Some smart guy unpacked the v4.0 distribution onto nine disks and recompressed the contents using the DMS program which both made the distribution files larger and more difficult to browse. In addition to that all occurences of the ".lha" suffix in the "term-4.0-Roadmap.txt" file were replaced by ".dms" to make things look more `official'. So, if ".lha" reads ".dms" in this document you can be sure that this has happened again. I will *never* distribute `term' in the form of DMS archives. Listing of archive 'term-030.lha': Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name -------- ------- ----- --------- -------- ------------- 34418 13731 60.1% 08-Feb-96 10:41:36 Catalogs/Dansk/term.catalog 47602 18408 61.3% 08-Feb-96 10:42:06 Catalogs/Deutsch/term.catalog 42920 16632 61.2% 08-Feb-96 10:46:06 Catalogs/Español/term.catalog 46150 17837 61.3% 08-Feb-96 10:46:46 Catalogs/Français/term.catalog 45648 17620 61.4% 18-Mar-96 15:22:44 Catalogs/Italiano/term.catalog 44170 17189 61.0% 08-Feb-96 10:50:56 Catalogs/Nederlands/term.catalog 43534 17284 60.2% 18-Mar-96 15:23:14 Catalogs/Svenska/term.catalog 2563 1614 37.0% 09-Sep-94 11:16:08 Config/ 628 269 57.1% 16-Jul-94 12:07:34 417 205 50.8% 18-Mar-96 15:31:20 Documentation/Documentation.txt 468 227 51.4% 16-Jul-94 12:07:34 Documentation/ 628 272 56.6% 16-Jul-94 12:07:40 Documentation/ 131 98 25.1% 15-Jul-94 15:21:46 Documentation/XPR_Libs/XPR_Libs.txt 468 226 51.7% 16-Jul-94 12:07:42 Documentation/XPR_Libs/ 38146 14558 61.8% 18-Feb-95 15:52:02 Documentation/XPR_Libs/xprzmodem.doc 468 215 54.0% 16-Jul-94 12:07:42 Documentation/XPR_Libs/ 628 257 59.0% 16-Jul-94 12:08:14 259 179 30.8% 30-Nov-94 22:59:38 Fonts/Fonts.txt 468 228 51.2% 16-Jul-94 12:08:14 Fonts/ 524 39 92.5% 04-Feb-93 20:20:02 Fonts/GFX.font 664 325 51.0% 04-Feb-93 20:20:02 Fonts/GFX/11 568 312 45.0% 08-May-92 22:14:32 Fonts/GFX/8 524 38 92.7% 03-Feb-93 14:15:56 Fonts/IBM.font 4000 2111 47.2% 22-Jan-93 12:29:44 Fonts/IBM/11 3236 1834 43.3% 22-Jan-93 12:30:06 Fonts/IBM/8 628 255 59.3% 16-Jul-94 12:08:14 1553 537 65.4% 30-Nov-94 22:59:56 Libs/Libs.txt 468 225 51.9% 16-Jul-94 12:08:14 Libs/ 22612 13658 39.5% 18-Mar-96 15:17:58 Libs/xprzmodem.library 7492 4205 43.8% 01-Feb-95 09:41:50 Read 1297 604 53.4% 24-Sep-95 20:22:38 term-4.6.txt 561 301 46.3% 20-Feb-95 16:24:26 399789 137061 65.7% 18-Mar-96 14:52:54 term.doc 565 305 46.0% 12-Jul-95 11:13:34 88 88 0.0% 25-Sep-95 15:16:20 term.doc.sig 6816 1922 71.8% 30-Jul-94 21:45:34 1975 789 60.0% 09-Sep-94 11:16:00 84686 22754 73.1% 18-Mar-96 14:49:48 termRexx.doc 565 304 46.1% 12-Jul-95 11:13:44 88 88 0.0% 25-Sep-95 15:16:28 termRexx.doc.sig 17336 10036 42.1% 07-Oct-92 15:23:06 UpdateConfig 95408 55410 41.9% 18-Mar-96 13:18:34 gtlayout.library 88 88 0.0% 18-Mar-96 15:33:18 gtlayout.library.sig 576732 278176 51.7% 18-Mar-96 12:31:38 term 88 88 0.0% 18-Mar-96 15:33:10 term.sig -------- ------- ----- --------- -------- 1578065 668602 57.6% 18-Mar-96 15:48:14 45 files Listing of archive 'term-doc.lha': Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name -------- ------- ----- --------- -------- ------------- 628 269 57.1% 16-Jul-94 12:07:34 628 272 56.6% 16-Jul-94 12:07:34 Documentation/ 175 129 26.2% 15-Jul-94 15:29:24 Documentation/AmigaGuide/AmigaGuide.txt 468 227 51.4% 16-Jul-94 12:07:34 Documentation/AmigaGuide/ 503691 153410 69.5% 18-Mar-96 14:53:44 Documentation/AmigaGuide/ 468 222 52.5% 16-Jul-94 12:07:34 Documentation/AmigaGuide/ 112076 27031 75.8% 18-Mar-96 14:49:44 Documentation/AmigaGuide/ 468 221 52.7% 16-Jul-94 12:07:34 Documentation/AmigaGuide/ 417 205 50.8% 18-Mar-96 15:31:20 Documentation/Documentation.txt 468 227 51.4% 16-Jul-94 12:07:34 Documentation/ 628 272 56.6% 16-Jul-94 12:07:36 Documentation/ 167 120 28.1% 15-Jul-94 15:26:16 Documentation/Libs/Libs.txt 468 228 51.2% 16-Jul-94 12:07:36 Documentation/Libs/ 8764 1899 78.3% 13-Feb-93 12:31:38 Documentation/Libs/OwnDevUnit.doc 468 214 54.2% 16-Jul-94 12:07:36 Documentation/Libs/ 628 269 57.1% 16-Jul-94 12:07:38 Documentation/ 3627 1846 49.1% 26-Feb-93 22:12:22 Documentation/XEM_Libs/Disclaimer.txt 468 214 54.2% 16-Jul-94 12:07:38 Documentation/XEM_Libs/ 941 505 46.3% 28-Jun-93 20:37:56 Documentation/XEM_Libs/history 468 217 53.6% 16-Jul-94 12:07:38 Documentation/XEM_Libs/ 2882 1050 63.5% 28-Jun-93 20:41:12 Documentation/XEM_Libs/snap.doc 468 217 53.6% 16-Jul-94 12:07:38 Documentation/XEM_Libs/ 73 62 15.0% 07-Jul-93 21:20:58 Documentation/XEM_Libs/termcap 468 216 53.8% 16-Jul-94 12:07:38 Documentation/XEM_Libs/ 16322 4998 69.3% 06-Jun-93 13:22:32 Documentation/XEM_Libs/VT340.keys&cmds 468 216 53.8% 16-Jul-94 12:07:38 Documentation/XEM_Libs/VT340.keys& 216 142 34.2% 15-Jul-94 15:23:22 Documentation/XEM_Libs/XEM_Libs.txt 468 228 51.2% 16-Jul-94 12:07:40 Documentation/XEM_Libs/ 1424 645 54.7% 23-May-93 20:45:54 Documentation/XEM_Libs/xemhex.doc 468 216 53.8% 16-Jul-94 12:07:40 Documentation/XEM_Libs/ 628 272 56.6% 16-Jul-94 12:07:40 Documentation/ 131 98 25.1% 15-Jul-94 15:21:46 Documentation/XPR_Libs/XPR_Libs.txt 468 226 51.7% 16-Jul-94 12:07:42 Documentation/XPR_Libs/ 5368 2471 53.9% 03-Jan-93 18:07:54 Documentation/XPR_Libs/xprascii.doc 468 214 54.2% 16-Jul-94 12:07:40 Documentation/XPR_Libs/ 11597 4598 60.3% 13-Feb-93 12:32:18 Documentation/XPR_Libs/xprbplus.doc 468 216 53.8% 16-Jul-94 12:07:40 Documentation/XPR_Libs/ 27851 10794 61.2% 31-Mar-94 08:14:32 Documentation/XPR_Libs/xprkermit.doc 468 218 53.4% 16-Jul-94 12:07:40 Documentation/XPR_Libs/ 8217 3285 60.0% 13-Feb-93 12:32:22 Documentation/XPR_Libs/xprquickb.doc 468 217 53.6% 16-Jul-94 12:07:40 Documentation/XPR_Libs/ 2428 1265 47.8% 13-Feb-93 12:32:22 Documentation/XPR_Libs/xprvms.doc 468 216 53.8% 16-Jul-94 12:07:40 Documentation/XPR_Libs/ 2141 1170 45.3% 13-Feb-93 12:32:24 Documentation/XPR_Libs/xprxmodem.doc 468 216 53.8% 16-Jul-94 12:07:42 Documentation/XPR_Libs/ 5966 2687 54.9% 13-Feb-93 12:32:24 Documentation/XPR_Libs/xprymodem.doc 468 218 53.4% 16-Jul-94 12:07:42 Documentation/XPR_Libs/ 7529 3611 52.0% 10-Mar-93 13:15:48 Documentation/XPR_Libs/xprzvoice.doc 468 217 53.6% 16-Jul-94 12:07:42 Documentation/XPR_Libs/ -------- ------- ----- --------- -------- 735439 228196 68.9% 18-Mar-96 15:46:22 49 files Listing of archive 'term-dvi.lha': Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name -------- ------- ----- --------- -------- ------------- 628 269 57.1% 16-Jul-94 12:07:34 417 205 50.8% 18-Mar-96 15:31:20 Documentation/Documentation.txt 468 227 51.4% 16-Jul-94 12:07:34 Documentation/ 628 258 58.9% 16-Jul-94 12:07:34 Documentation/ 152 115 24.3% 15-Jul-94 15:28:34 Documentation/DVI/DVI.txt 468 228 51.2% 16-Jul-94 12:07:36 Documentation/DVI/ 742220 215248 70.9% 18-Mar-96 14:49:38 Documentation/DVI/term.dvi 508 257 49.4% 16-Jul-94 12:07:36 Documentation/DVI/ 169540 37979 77.5% 18-Mar-96 14:50:26 Documentation/DVI/termRexx.dvi 508 256 49.6% 16-Jul-94 12:07:36 Documentation/DVI/ -------- ------- ----- --------- -------- 915537 255042 72.1% 18-Mar-96 15:46:30 10 files Listing of archive 'term-extras.lha': Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name -------- ------- ----- --------- -------- ------------- 628 271 56.8% 16-Jul-94 12:07:42 747 394 47.2% 09-Sep-94 11:12:38 Extras/Extras.txt 468 227 51.4% 16-Jul-94 12:07:44 Extras/ 628 268 57.3% 16-Jul-94 12:07:44 Extras/ 7136 3073 56.9% 15-Dec-95 21:38:58 Extras/HydraCom/amiga.notes 463 221 52.2% 15-Jul-94 13:43:14 Extras/HydraCom/ 60824 32722 46.2% 04-Feb-96 12:26:30 Extras/HydraCom/hydracom 93515 93515 0.0% 18-Mar-96 15:29:46 Extras/HydraCom/hydracom-source.lha 135 102 24.4% 19-Jan-94 22:35:16 Extras/HydraCom/hydracom.cfg 66533 23290 64.9% 19-Jan-94 22:34:34 Extras/HydraCom/hydracom.doc 463 221 52.2% 15-Jul-94 13:43:14 Extras/HydraCom/ 889 506 43.0% 15-Jul-94 16:36:30 Extras/HydraCom/HydraCom.txt 463 221 52.2% 15-Jul-94 13:43:14 Extras/HydraCom/ 628 257 59.0% 16-Jul-94 12:08:00 Extras/ 1856 866 53.3% 20-Feb-95 17:00:28 Extras/Rexx/AskDownload.term 843 266 68.4% 16-Jul-94 11:40:40 Extras/Rexx/ 1086 581 46.5% 20-Feb-95 16:57:22 Extras/Rexx/AskUpload.term 843 263 68.8% 16-Jul-94 11:40:40 Extras/Rexx/ 5383 2111 60.7% 13-Jul-94 09:11:08 Extras/Rexx/AutoDownload.term 843 266 68.4% 16-Jul-94 12:08:00 Extras/Rexx/ 1468 742 49.4% 15-Jul-94 15:35:22 Extras/Rexx/AutoLogin.term 843 267 68.3% 16-Jul-94 12:08:00 Extras/Rexx/ 1734 778 55.1% 24-Aug-93 19:11:36 Extras/Rexx/Local2Screech.term 843 266 68.4% 16-Jul-94 12:08:00 Extras/Rexx/ 2988 1184 60.3% 13-Jul-94 09:10:34 Extras/Rexx/Login-UXA.term 843 267 68.3% 16-Jul-94 12:08:00 Extras/Rexx/ 764 462 39.5% 09-Sep-94 11:54:46 Extras/Rexx/NodeDial.term 843 267 68.3% 16-Jul-94 12:08:02 Extras/Rexx/ 757 388 48.7% 09-Sep-94 11:56:52 Extras/Rexx/Rexx.txt 468 225 51.9% 16-Jul-94 12:08:02 Extras/Rexx/ 2120 1028 51.5% 25-Aug-93 10:05:24 Extras/Rexx/SendText.term 843 267 68.3% 16-Jul-94 12:08:02 Extras/Rexx/ 628 269 57.1% 16-Jul-94 12:08:02 Extras/ 11184 4628 58.6% 08-Jul-94 20:12:00 Extras/Sound/Ahem 380 233 38.6% 16-Jul-94 12:08:02 Extras/Sound/ 1082 862 20.3% 08-Jul-94 19:55:58 Extras/Sound/Beep 380 232 38.9% 16-Jul-94 12:08:02 Extras/Sound/ 4976 4632 6.9% 08-Jul-94 20:12:14 Extras/Sound/Bottles 380 233 38.6% 16-Jul-94 12:08:02 Extras/Sound/ 2484 2396 3.5% 09-Oct-93 21:27:34 Extras/Sound/ClassicBeep 380 232 38.9% 16-Jul-94 12:08:02 Extras/Sound/ 4026 2952 26.6% 09-Oct-93 21:27:20 Extras/Sound/ClockChime 380 233 38.6% 16-Jul-94 12:08:02 Extras/Sound/ 12388 8319 32.8% 08-Jul-94 20:27:08 Extras/Sound/Connect 380 232 38.9% 16-Jul-94 12:08:02 Extras/Sound/ 7474 4416 40.9% 08-Jul-94 20:12:36 Extras/Sound/Door 380 233 38.6% 16-Jul-94 12:08:04 Extras/Sound/ 2806 2161 22.9% 08-Jul-94 19:47:14 Extras/Sound/Honk 380 232 38.9% 16-Jul-94 12:08:04 Extras/Sound/ 10224 8815 13.7% 09-Oct-93 21:29:36 Extras/Sound/Lightning 380 233 38.6% 16-Jul-94 12:08:04 Extras/Sound/ 5332 4793 10.1% 08-Jul-94 20:22:24 Extras/Sound/OhNo 380 232 38.9% 16-Jul-94 12:08:04 Extras/Sound/ 418 418 0.0% 09-Oct-93 20:52:26 Extras/Sound/Pop 380 233 38.6% 16-Jul-94 12:08:04 Extras/Sound/ 14000 11196 20.0% 09-Oct-93 20:52:34 Extras/Sound/RimShot 380 232 38.9% 16-Jul-94 12:08:04 Extras/Sound/ 5936 5574 6.0% 09-Oct-93 21:30:14 Extras/Sound/RingRing 380 233 38.6% 16-Jul-94 12:08:04 Extras/Sound/ 2274 2248 1.1% 09-Oct-93 20:52:46 Extras/Sound/ShortBeep 380 232 38.9% 16-Jul-94 12:08:04 Extras/Sound/ 198 136 31.3% 15-Jul-94 15:40:10 Extras/Sound/Sound.txt 468 226 51.7% 16-Jul-94 12:08:06 Extras/Sound/ 4542 2855 37.1% 09-Oct-93 20:53:18 Extras/Sound/Yo 380 232 38.9% 16-Jul-94 12:08:06 Extras/Sound/ 628 269 57.1% 09-Sep-94 11:12:46 Extras/ 628 269 57.1% 20-Feb-95 16:49:10 Extras/Tools/ 2052 1299 36.6% 16-May-93 18:55:12 Extras/Tools/StringClip/StringClip 3974 1940 51.1% 16-May-93 19:07:56 Extras/Tools/StringClip/StringClip.doc 468 226 51.7% 16-Jul-94 12:08:12 Extras/Tools/StringClip/ 628 272 56.6% 16-Jul-94 12:08:06 Extras/ 980 200 79.5% 01-Apr-93 20:34:56 Extras/Translation/ISO-10-(S).prefs 1048 210 79.9% 01-Apr-93 20:35:06 Extras/Translation/ISO-11-(S).prefs 980 204 79.1% 01-Apr-93 20:35:18 Extras/Translation/ISO-15-(I).prefs 844 175 79.2% 01-Apr-93 20:35:30 Extras/Translation/ISO-16-(P).prefs 810 179 77.9% 01-Apr-93 20:35:42 Extras/Translation/ISO-17-(E).prefs 844 175 79.2% 01-Apr-93 20:35:52 Extras/Translation/ISO-21-(D).prefs 436 108 75.2% 01-Apr-93 20:36:04 Extras/Translation/ISO-4-(GB).prefs 742 159 78.5% 01-Apr-93 20:36:14 Extras/Translation/ISO-60-(N).prefs 810 172 78.7% 01-Apr-93 20:36:26 Extras/Translation/ISO-61-(N).prefs 946 198 79.0% 01-Apr-93 20:36:36 Extras/Translation/ISO-69-(F).prefs 2952 452 84.6% 01-Apr-93 20:36:48 Extras/Translation/PC-8.prefs 836 303 63.7% 15-Jul-94 16:49:30 Extras/Translation/Translation.txt 468 226 51.7% 16-Jul-94 12:08:12 Extras/Translation/ -------- ------- ----- --------- -------- 376102 243201 35.3% 18-Mar-96 15:46:44 84 files Listing of archive 'term-libs.lha': Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name -------- ------- ----- --------- -------- ------------- 628 255 59.3% 16-Jul-94 12:08:14 1553 537 65.4% 30-Nov-94 22:59:56 Libs/Libs.txt 468 225 51.9% 16-Jul-94 12:08:14 Libs/ 4476 2676 40.2% 19-May-93 12:45:28 Libs/OwnDevUnit.library 4768 2656 44.2% 12-Apr-93 15:25:18 Libs/xemamiga.library 7696 4408 42.7% 13-Apr-93 00:14:48 Libs/xemascii.library 14972 7428 50.3% 13-Apr-93 00:17:42 Libs/xembbs.library 4396 2500 43.1% 23-May-93 19:38:32 Libs/xemhex.library 62216 31806 48.8% 27-Nov-93 18:15:00 Libs/xemvt340.library 13324 7953 40.3% 18-Mar-96 15:19:38 Libs/xprascii.library 19004 10976 42.2% 08-Jun-92 21:02:08 Libs/xprbplus.library 56108 27779 50.4% 06-Nov-94 21:23:48 Libs/xprkermit.library 15016 8771 41.5% 14-Jul-91 04:13:20 Libs/xprquickb.library 6308 3742 40.6% 14-May-92 09:22:50 Libs/xprvms.library 12352 6825 44.7% 14-May-92 09:22:50 Libs/xprxmodem.library 15048 8512 43.4% 14-May-92 09:22:50 Libs/xprymodem.library 4800 2512 47.6% 10-Mar-93 17:17:36 Libs/xprzvoice.library -------- ------- ----- --------- -------- 243133 129561 46.7% 18-Mar-96 15:46:48 17 files Listing of archive 'term-locale.lha': Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name -------- ------- ----- --------- -------- ------------- 628 271 56.8% 16-Jul-94 12:07:42 747 394 47.2% 09-Sep-94 11:12:38 Extras/Extras.txt 468 227 51.4% 16-Jul-94 12:07:44 Extras/ 628 269 57.1% 16-Jul-94 12:07:44 Extras/ 604 237 60.7% 09-Sep-94 11:05:34 Extras/Locale/Locale.txt 468 225 51.9% 16-Jul-94 12:08:00 Extras/Locale/ 97658 25599 73.7% 08-Feb-96 10:53:48 Extras/Locale/ 463 217 53.1% 16-Jul-94 11:40:36 Extras/Locale/ 87268 23763 72.7% 18-Mar-96 15:24:16 Extras/Locale/term_blank.ct 463 217 53.1% 16-Jul-94 11:40:36 Extras/Locale/ 99530 29768 70.0% 08-Feb-96 10:41:08 Extras/Locale/term_dansk.ct 463 217 53.1% 16-Jul-94 11:40:36 Extras/Locale/ 120769 37589 68.8% 08-Feb-96 10:41:52 Extras/Locale/term_deutsch.ct 463 217 53.1% 16-Jul-94 11:40:36 Extras/Locale/ 79194 22232 71.9% 08-Feb-96 10:45:52 Extras/Locale/term_español.ct 463 217 53.1% 16-Jul-94 11:40:36 Extras/Locale/term_españ 120391 36724 69.4% 08-Feb-96 10:46:32 Extras/Locale/term_français.ct 463 217 53.1% 16-Jul-94 11:40:36 Extras/Locale/term_franç 86563 24528 71.6% 18-Mar-96 15:22:22 Extras/Locale/term_italiano.ct 463 217 53.1% 16-Jul-94 11:40:36 Extras/Locale/ 84568 23986 71.6% 08-Feb-96 10:50:36 Extras/Locale/term_nederlands.ct 463 217 53.1% 16-Jul-94 11:40:36 Extras/Locale/ 114635 36121 68.4% 11-Feb-96 23:24:58 Extras/Locale/term_svenska.ct 463 217 53.1% 16-Jul-94 11:40:36 Extras/Locale/ -------- ------- ----- --------- -------- 898286 263886 70.6% 18-Mar-96 15:46:58 24 files Listing of archive 'term-main.lha': Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name -------- ------- ----- --------- -------- ------------- 34418 13731 60.1% 08-Feb-96 10:41:36 Catalogs/Dansk/term.catalog 47602 18408 61.3% 08-Feb-96 10:42:06 Catalogs/Deutsch/term.catalog 42920 16632 61.2% 08-Feb-96 10:46:06 Catalogs/Español/term.catalog 46150 17837 61.3% 08-Feb-96 10:46:46 Catalogs/Français/term.catalog 45648 17620 61.4% 18-Mar-96 15:22:44 Catalogs/Italiano/term.catalog 44170 17189 61.0% 08-Feb-96 10:50:56 Catalogs/Nederlands/term.catalog 43534 17284 60.2% 18-Mar-96 15:23:14 Catalogs/Svenska/term.catalog 2563 1614 37.0% 09-Sep-94 11:16:08 Config/ 628 269 57.1% 16-Jul-94 12:07:34 417 205 50.8% 18-Mar-96 15:31:20 Documentation/Documentation.txt 468 227 51.4% 16-Jul-94 12:07:34 Documentation/ 628 272 56.6% 16-Jul-94 12:07:40 Documentation/ 131 98 25.1% 15-Jul-94 15:21:46 Documentation/XPR_Libs/XPR_Libs.txt 468 226 51.7% 16-Jul-94 12:07:42 Documentation/XPR_Libs/ 38146 14558 61.8% 18-Feb-95 15:52:02 Documentation/XPR_Libs/xprzmodem.doc 468 215 54.0% 16-Jul-94 12:07:42 Documentation/XPR_Libs/ 628 257 59.0% 16-Jul-94 12:08:14 259 179 30.8% 30-Nov-94 22:59:38 Fonts/Fonts.txt 468 228 51.2% 16-Jul-94 12:08:14 Fonts/ 524 39 92.5% 04-Feb-93 20:20:02 Fonts/GFX.font 664 325 51.0% 04-Feb-93 20:20:02 Fonts/GFX/11 568 312 45.0% 08-May-92 22:14:32 Fonts/GFX/8 524 38 92.7% 03-Feb-93 14:15:56 Fonts/IBM.font 4000 2111 47.2% 22-Jan-93 12:29:44 Fonts/IBM/11 3236 1834 43.3% 22-Jan-93 12:30:06 Fonts/IBM/8 96668 55661 42.4% 18-Mar-96 13:05:30 gtlayout.library 88 88 0.0% 18-Mar-96 15:32:56 gtlayout.library.sig 628 255 59.3% 16-Jul-94 12:08:14 1553 537 65.4% 30-Nov-94 22:59:56 Libs/Libs.txt 468 225 51.9% 16-Jul-94 12:08:14 Libs/ 22612 13658 39.5% 18-Mar-96 15:17:58 Libs/xprzmodem.library 7492 4205 43.8% 01-Feb-95 09:41:50 Read 582252 279282 52.0% 18-Mar-96 11:51:24 term 1297 604 53.4% 24-Sep-95 20:22:38 term-4.6.txt 561 301 46.3% 20-Feb-95 16:24:26 399789 137061 65.7% 18-Mar-96 14:52:54 term.doc 565 305 46.0% 12-Jul-95 11:13:34 88 88 0.0% 25-Sep-95 15:16:20 term.doc.sig 6816 1922 71.8% 30-Jul-94 21:45:34 1975 789 60.0% 09-Sep-94 11:16:00 88 88 0.0% 18-Mar-96 15:32:38 term.sig 84686 22754 73.1% 18-Mar-96 14:49:48 termRexx.doc 565 304 46.1% 12-Jul-95 11:13:44 88 88 0.0% 25-Sep-95 15:16:28 termRexx.doc.sig 17336 10036 42.1% 07-Oct-92 15:23:06 UpdateConfig -------- ------- ----- --------- -------- 1584845 669959 57.7% 18-Mar-96 15:47:44 45 files Listing of archive 'term-source.lha': Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name -------- ------- ----- --------- -------- ------------- 628 271 56.8% 16-Jul-94 12:07:42 747 394 47.2% 09-Sep-94 11:12:38 Extras/Extras.txt 468 227 51.4% 16-Jul-94 12:07:44 Extras/ 628 270 57.0% 16-Jul-94 12:08:06 Extras/ 234413 234413 0.0% 18-Mar-96 13:23:12 Extras/Source/gtlayout-source.lha 279 176 36.9% 15-Jul-94 15:42:02 Extras/Source/Source.txt 468 225 51.9% 16-Jul-94 12:08:06 Extras/Source/ 680301 680301 0.0% 18-Mar-96 15:26:58 Extras/Source/term-source.lha -------- ------- ----- --------- -------- 917932 916277 0.1% 18-Mar-96 15:47:52 8 files